Cantrell and Crowley Architects are delighted to announce that planning permission has been granted for a new aparthotel development located on a site at Charlemont Place, Dublin 2. The subject site, set back off Charlemont Place, is accessed off a narrow access lane between existing commercial and residential properties. The site shares a boundary with the Luas Green Line to the West, with residential properties to the North and East. There is a Spring Well concealed below ground on site, a Protected Structure which is reputed to have been the hiding place of Lord Edward Fitzgerald (a leader of the 1798 rebellion) whilst he was being pursued by government forces. As part of the development, the Spring Well will be preserved and presented above ground level in accordance with good conservation guidelines, making it accessible for the public.
The 6-storey over basement aparthotel is located to the western portion of the site, with a landscaped courtyard to the east which will be designed around the Spring Well. The aparthotel consists of 44 no. aparthotel rooms, spread over 6 floors with the main entrance located at ground floor off the landscaped courtyard. The accommodation levels step back at first and third floors to reduce the overshadowing of the adjacent residential properties. The basement area consists of ancillary front of house and back of house accommodation and will be accessed via an adjacent existing vehicular ramp. External finishes consist of brick, render, high quality fenestration and a green wall to the north elevation.
The existing site constraints provided a difficult design challenge, with setbacks from the Luas and the Spring Well restricting the development area. The end product provides a high-quality design, whilst maximising the development and surpassing our clients expectations.
A revised planning application was lodged in January 2022, and we hope to commence construction on site in April 2022.
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